BDICN 2024-Keynote

Prof. Shui Yu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, IEEE Fellow

Prof. Shui Yu is Professor of the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at UTS, the Deputy Chair of the UTS Research Committee, and is a researcher of cybersecurity, privacy and the networking, communication aspects of Big Data, and applied mathematics for computer science.
In 2013, he initiated a new field, networking for big data, in the networking and communication domain. Shui was the leading editor of Networking for Big Data, published in 2015, which supplied an unprecedented look at cutting-edge research on the networking and communication aspects of Big Data.

Prof. Shigang Chen, University of Florida, America,
IEEE Fellow ,ACM Distinguished Member

Dr. Shigang Chen is a professor with Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at University of Florida. He received his B.S. degree in computer science from University of Science and Technology of China in 1993. He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include computer networks, Internet security, wireless communications, and distributed computing. He published more than 170 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers. He received IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award and NSF CAREER Award. He holds 12 US patents. He served as an editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and a number of other journals. He served in various chair positions or as committee members for numerous conferences. He is a Fellow of IEEE, and ACM Distringuished Scientist, and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communication Society.

Dr. Latifur Khan, The University of Texas at Dallas,
IEEE Fellow

Dr. Khan is an international leader in Big Data Analytics (BDA), a key aspect of data science. He has been instrumental in educating the students in BDA at UTD, for several years. He was also successful in writing multiple proposals to NSF and getting funding for experimental research and introduced his BDA students to research projects. His BDA class has often had enrollments of around 130 and is extremely popular. He has also developed a BDA framework and collaborates with faculty at EPPS (e.g., Profs. Jennifer Holmes and Patrick Brandt) and shares his framework with them for their applications in political science. Together with EPPS professors as well as through other collaborations (e.g., UIUC, U of MN) he has brought in millions of dollars in federal funding in this area. He is known worldwide as the Data Science person at UTD by eminent researchers.